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Bianca Mascarenhas

Lead Researcher | Crossover Catalyst

As Lead Researcher, and after spending over a year at Crossover Catalyst , I can safely say that my desire to contribute to social impact has transformed into something real.

My prior work has been at various corporates in India and overseas, where I gained experience in the media, hospitality, airlines and banking domains. I found my calling in the social impact space through an HR role in a management consulting firm, where I worked for 8 years. A brief stint with a top OTT platform left me yearning to get back to the development sector.

I studied at St. Xavier's College, Bombay, where I majored in Ancient Indian Culture.  I love dogs, coffee, craft and Country music, not particularly in that order. I live in Bombay with my husband and our son.

I can be reached at


Manu Khanna

Senior Consultant | Crossover Catalyst

I have worked in different corporate roles including HR, relationship & key account management, training, and social media management before I transitioned to the social sector.


At Crossover Catalyst, I really love the values behind the work. Being able to say that I can create positive ripples through impactful talent infusion in the development sector is so rewarding!


I hold an honors degree from Delhi University, PGDHRM from Symbiosis Pune & Six Sigma certification from IIT Delhi. I love reading books, journaling, watching Netflix, and pursuing a passion to promote the holistic well-being of communities while living with my family in Delhi.

I can be contacted at

Moomal Mehta

Founder | Crossover Catalyst

I founded Crossover Catalyst for one simple reason: we need to engage India’s best and brightest talent with organizations that are helping solve our most important problems. Having transitioned from studying genetics to management, and then from 17 years in banking to a non profit, I know that when well thought through, transitions can lead to terrific outcomes.


I studied at IIM Calcutta, have lived and worked on three continents, practice yoga, love architecture, wine, fashion and plants, passionately follow sport, and live with my husband and two teenagers in Bombay. 

I can be reached at


Sabiha Lala

Chief Research Officer | Crossover Catalyst

I became a core part of the Crossover Catalyst team very early in our journey - our intent to use talent as a lever of impact in the social sector resonates deeply with  me. Research and ‘solving for fit’ are my areas of passion and interest, and that is the work I lead at Crossover. I have over five years of prior social sector leadership search experience, and an undergraduate degree from Nirmala Niketan.

I have lived and worked in Bombay all my life. I love Bollywood movies and songs, and Zumba is a newfound interest. I want to travel across the world, and one day, build a small school for underprivileged children.


I can be reached at  



Armin Majoo

Office Manager | Crossover Catalyst

Armin was Crossover Catalyst’s Office Manager, responsible for orchestrating all the work her colleagues did, and helping them be productive. As a first point of contact, she enjoyed providing her own insights into clients and candidates, and facilitating their journeys into meaningful roles.

Armin holds an undergraduate degree from KC College. Prior to Crossover, Armin worked with Taj Hotels and Ernst and Young in reservationsadministrative roles.


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